
Prevention is Your Best Protection

If you're like the rest of us, now that belt-tightening is the "new normal," you may already be eating more meals at home, dropping subscriptions, vacationing closer to home. You may also be tempted to cut back on your dental care. But think it over. If a problem has surfaced with your oral health, nipping it in the bud is a big money saver. Letting it go can mean big, [...]

Prevention is Your Best Protection2016-10-18T00:00:22-07:00

Targeting Teenage Risks

Risk-taking is a normal part of teenage development—and often a growth opportunity for parents, too! Heads up to handling some common dental risks of adolescence so you both stay smiling. Wisdom Comes With Age The wisdom teeth, the third molars, are the last to emerge. They appear in the teen years sometimes two, sometimes three or four, or sometimes none at all. In a too-small jaw, the risk is they'll [...]

Targeting Teenage Risks2016-09-13T00:00:36-07:00

When it Comes to Toothpaste

Choosing the right toothpaste for yourself—or your family—goes beyond the coupon you may have in hand, or bright displays in the marketplace. For your health, you have to think like a dentist. At different times in our lives, dental strategies change, toothpaste requirements change. And product name isn't half as important as the basic components of the paste. Key word: ingredients. Besides fluoride, which every adult should use in one [...]

When it Comes to Toothpaste2016-09-06T00:00:21-07:00

When it Comes to Toothpaste

Choosing the right toothpaste for yourself—or your family—goes beyond the coupon you may have in hand, or bright displays in the marketplace. For your health, you have to think like a dentist. At different times in our lives, dental strategies change, toothpaste requirements change. And product name isn't half as important as the basic components of the paste. Key word: ingredients. Besides fluoride, which every adult should use in one [...]

When it Comes to Toothpaste2016-08-23T00:00:44-07:00

When Prescriptions and Dentistry Don’t Mix

Some prescribed drugs and dental surgery may not be a good mix. You might not think that what your MD prescribes—and what your dentist does for your mouth's well-being—are closely related. But both are significant. If you are contemplating upcoming dentistry like a tooth extraction or an implant, it may be helpful to review which prescribed drugs you are taking for other problems. Two red flags, here: prescription drugs for [...]

When Prescriptions and Dentistry Don’t Mix2016-08-16T00:00:09-07:00

Baby Teeth and Teething

Being mammals, we sport two sets of teeth, the primaries and the permanent. Assuming Mom has already lent strength to her baby's teeth during pregnancy—beginning from week seven of prenatal life—teeth grow through two stages. In the first permutation, teeth take shape; in the second, the cells are actually transformed to perform different functions. All this is percolating as you enjoy pickles and ice cream. When your baby is born, [...]

Baby Teeth and Teething2016-08-09T00:00:34-07:00

Dead Toothbrushes

A really dead toothbrush—one badly worn and frayed, not necessarily just old—is like having no toothbrush at all. In fact, you're probably doing more harm than good if your brush has seen better days. All dead toothbrushes should be given a decent burial. If you have doubts about the life left in your toothbrush, bring it in at your next appointment, and we can assess the damage. We've seen a [...]

Dead Toothbrushes2016-08-02T14:27:09-07:00

The War on Germs: Are We Winning? Should we be?

Homicide: bad word. It means killing another human being. Germicide? For many, good word. It promises to kill what are hated and feared most in this super-sanitary era: germs. Germ is sort of a catchall that refers to any microorganism we can't actually see. That's sort of like referring to every non-human living thing as an animal: elephants, mosquitoes, salmon, vultures. Fact is, there are only a few bad actors [...]

The War on Germs: Are We Winning? Should we be?2016-07-26T00:00:29-07:00

Fluoride, it’s for Life

If your goal is healthy teeth for life, then you need fluoride. It ensures newly formed teeth are strong; prevents plaque, caries, and gum disease; and protects roots that get exposed as gums recede over time. This essential mineral is present in what we eat and drink, but a healthy diet doesn't supply enough for a gleaming smile. Instead, it's essential to apply it topically and drink fluoride-rich water. In [...]

Fluoride, it’s for Life2016-07-19T00:00:34-07:00

Watch Your Mouth

Self Examinations can Spot Signs of Trouble Through the day, you check the mirror—your hair, your collar, your hem. Ever open your mouth to see what's inside? You should, and not just when you feel pain or find blood on your toothbrush. You should routinely examine your oral orifice for any changes. Watch for red or white spots or other discolorations and small sores or swellings. Most of these oral [...]

Watch Your Mouth2016-07-12T00:00:02-07:00
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