
Older and Healthy…a Natural Match

The words "aging" and "healthy" don't have to be either/or propositions. Fact is, in some ways we grow healthier as we age. We've built up so many antibodies that our resistance to virus increases. Years of brushing with fluoride toothpaste actually strengthens tooth enamel. A little effort on your part now can help insure you'll feel as good as you'll look—years from now. As mouths age, the potential of periodontal [...]

Older and Healthy…a Natural Match2018-02-20T08:00:34-08:00

Root Surface Caries

We are Growing Older... As the population ages—more gracefully than ever, of course— we're keeping more teeth. Along with wisdom and experience, however, come different health problems. Among them, cavities on the surface of the tooth root, what we call root caries. Growing up, most decay is found on the surface of teeth, usually the crown. But gum tissue has a way of receding as the years go by, and [...]

Root Surface Caries2017-04-04T00:00:18-07:00
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