Antelope Dental Associates

About Antelope Dental Associates

With knowledgeable dentists and friendly team members, there is no better choice than Antelope Dental Associates! We are happily accepting new patients and can surely accommodate all your dental needs! If it’s been a while since your last checkup, schedule an exam, cleaning, and X-rays today. If you have missing teeth or other problems with your smile, we are experts in a wide variety of cosmetic and restorative procedures to improve the health and appearance of your teeth. We understand that each patient has unique circumstances, so please know that we’re here as your partner and advocate to develop a treatment plan that works for you!

No More Metal Mouth

You don't have to be a dentist to know that metal is NOT a normal component of teeth. Used to be, gold or silver amalgam was necessary to restore structural integrity to damaged teeth (especially molars) that would be subjected to the great stress caused by chewing. Today, there are new materials that stand up to the stress, but without the metal! They simply didn't exist just a generation ago. [...]

No More Metal Mouth2023-12-22T15:16:12-08:00

Sense about Sensitivity

When teeth hurt, the sooner we reach the root of the problem, the sooner the pain disappears. What triggers tooth pain? Heat, cold, touch, air, sweet or sour foods. If you recently had a cavity filled, that area may be sensitive for awhile. Other causes of sensitivity are: Erosion of tooth enamel. Gum shrinkage down below the crown exposing the cementum beneath, an area sensitive to heat and cold. One [...]

Sense about Sensitivity2023-12-22T15:16:05-08:00

Healthy Gums—Healthy You!

Fighting periodontal (gum) disease through meticulous daily hygiene and regular dental appointments is brilliant. You preserve your beautiful smile and sweet breath, maintain the health of your teeth and gums, and protect your overall health in the bargain! Periodontal disease—a chronic inflammatory disease that can destroy gum tissue, ligaments, even the bone supporting the teeth—is the most common cause of tooth loss among adults. Gum disease has been associated with [...]

Healthy Gums—Healthy You!2023-12-22T15:15:57-08:00

Fluoride—You Never Outgrow Your Need

You grew up with fluoride. Your teeth show it in the very fact that you still have them. Before 1945, by the time your nest was empty, your mouth was often empty as well. But when cities began adding it to water supplies, tooth decay took a nose dive. Most of us never gave it a second thought, just turned on the tap and downed the cure. Fluoride reverses the [...]

Fluoride—You Never Outgrow Your Need2023-12-22T15:15:49-08:00

Who Wants Whiter Teeth?

Whitening, or bleaching, is a way to lighten teeth without bonding material to the teeth or removing any sound tooth structure. In this respect, it’s one of the most conservative cosmetic procedures we have. Here’s how it works. How does whitening work? Typically for in-office appointments, we'll fit your mouth with a special mouthpiece filled with a whitening solution. Then, a special frequency of light is shown into your mouth [...]

Who Wants Whiter Teeth?2023-12-22T15:15:36-08:00


Keeping Our Office Safe For You We follow all guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and American Dental Association, particularly sterilization procedures for instruments used in the mouth. This means high speed drills too. Our autoclave is state-of-the-science—it’s monitored regularly by an independent testing laboratory to verify complete effectiveness. All clinical personnel wear masks and gloves when treating patients. After every patient, we cleanse our hands, then put [...]


On Guard Against Oral Cancer

Oral Cancer is the fifth most common cancer in the world, it kills about one-third of those diagnosed with it, and 28,000 new cases occur each year. And over 25% of oral cancers occur in people who don’t smoke or have other lifestyle risk factors. Now that we've got your attention—there’s hope. Trouble Spots—Oral Lesions Are there any red or white spots you haven’t noticed before? Maybe you've taken a [...]

On Guard Against Oral Cancer2023-12-22T15:15:17-08:00

CEREC®—Restorations as Natural as Living Teeth!

Now in just one appointment you can have a metal-free restoration as natural looking and strong as an original tooth. CEREC is a computer-controlled system that creates a tooth replacement from a single block of white, biocompatible, plaque-resistant ceramic. The effect on your smile must be seen to be believed! Not only is the restoration far more natural than old-fashioned metal fillings, it can be performed in a single appointment—in [...]

CEREC®—Restorations as Natural as Living Teeth!2023-12-22T15:15:09-08:00

How Valuable are Dental X-rays, Really?

There’s no substitute for a dental X-ray in seeing everything we need to know about your teeth, jaw and sinuses. We can diagnose decay under old fillings, abscesses, bone loss due to periodontal (gum) disease, cancer and tumors, extra and impacted teeth. We couldn't see these conditions with the naked eye no matter how closely we looked! Most people are aware that X-rays involve radiation, and we know some folks [...]

How Valuable are Dental X-rays, Really?2023-12-22T15:14:59-08:00

Mouthwash FAQs

Whether it's to mask bad breath, fight cavities or prevent the buildup of plaque, the sticky material that contains germs and can lead to oral diseases, mouthwash serves a variety of purposes. Or so we think. Though they may leave your mouth with a clean, fresh taste, some washes can be harmful, concealing bad breath and unpleasant taste that are signs of periodontal diseases which cause inflammation and degeneration of [...]

Mouthwash FAQs2023-12-22T15:14:47-08:00
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