
Lend Baby Teeth a Hand

Here today...gone too soon. Don’t neglect baby teeth because the health of their replacements is right beneath the surface. Caring for your child’s baby teeth lays a foundation for a lifetime of oral health, so teach good dental hygiene habits while the child is very young. Before the first teeth begin to surface, rub baby’s gums with a clean, damp wash cloth after every feeding. Continue as the teeth emerge [...]

Lend Baby Teeth a Hand2023-05-09T12:09:29-07:00

Your Mouth and Gum Disease

Gum Disease Treatment Antelope, CA “A family affair” Think of the great things you’ve passed along to your kids: sense of humor, charm, style, wit—why, the list could go on and on of course! Unfortunately, some of the things that get passed from parent to child aren’t that great. One is a predisposition towards periodontitis, or gum disease. Of the hundreds of strains of bacteria that inhabit your mouth we’ve [...]

Your Mouth and Gum Disease2023-05-09T12:09:15-07:00

A Brighter Smile With Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Antelope, CA You’ve lived this long, you’ve earned it... No doubt about it. We’re living longer, we’re living better. All that effort put into diet and exercise is paying off. And while you’re going through your paces on the treadmill, do consider another part of you that might need a bit of improvement: your smile. With age, one of the first things to go is the freshness of [...]

A Brighter Smile With Teeth Whitening2023-05-09T12:09:00-07:00

Do You Have Old Fillings?

If you have old fillings, that will be one of the things we check on whenever you come in for an appointment. We'll examine your teeth to ensure that the damage or decay has not progressed any further. A filling is a tried-and-true method for fixing a cavity and preventing further damage to the tooth. When you have a small cavity, you probably won't even notice the difference initially. But, [...]

Do You Have Old Fillings?2023-04-16T12:55:35-07:00

Sleep Apnea Night Guard

Sleep Apnea Treatment in Antelope, CA If either you or a loved one snore while sleeping, it might be a symptom of a more serious problem called sleep apnea. In short, sleep apnea affects the way we breathe during sleep. It can significantly diminish the quality of sleep (and indeed, the quality of life during the daytime). Even if you get this whole 8+ hours, you may wake up feeling [...]

Sleep Apnea Night Guard2023-04-16T12:54:41-07:00

Toothbrush Worn Out?

Replace Your Old Toothbrush We've all seen an old disgusting worn-out toothbrush before. And truth be told, we've probably all been guilty of letting an old toothbrush hang around far too long. Understandably, you may be questioning whether or not to get a new one, and sometimes it's hard to determine where exactly to draw the line. However, if you are even asking yourself the question, it probably means that [...]

Toothbrush Worn Out?2023-04-16T12:53:52-07:00

Get An Oral Cancer Screening

Detect oral cancer in its early stages. If you are a user of alcohol, tobacco, or other nicotine products, you probably already know that they aren't good for your oral health. The last thing you want is to hear another lecture about kicking the habit. Well, when you visit our office, we are not here to guilt-trip you. We're here to help! And part of that process includes providing an [...]

Get An Oral Cancer Screening2023-04-16T12:53:09-07:00

Lost A Dental Crown?

Dental Crown in Antelope, CA Get a replacement crown today. A dental crown is a reliable restoration used to fix a damaged tooth. However, they aren't perfect. Sometimes they can fail unexpectedly and fall out. Whenever a crown falls out, it can be a stressful event. You may be concerned about your appearance, and it may inhibit proper eating or speaking. A missing crown is also an odd sensation to [...]

Lost A Dental Crown?2023-04-10T08:40:18-07:00

Why Tongue Brushing?

Tongue brushing for better breath and better oral health. You might think tongue brushing is a waste of time. Or perhaps you just never thought of incorporating it into your routine. After all, you can't get cavities or tooth decay on your tongue, so what's the point? Well, actually, tongue brushing can improve your breath and help protect your oral health. Let us discover the ways. Just like your teeth [...]

Why Tongue Brushing?2023-04-10T08:38:34-07:00

Sensitivity Toothpaste

Does Sensitivity Toothpaste Work? If you were to take the commercial's word for it, you'd think sensitivity toothpaste was a magic cure-all! In reality, over-the-counter toothpaste may provide some relief from mild sensitivity, but addressing the underlying cause is the only way to truly solve the problem. Usually, teeth have a layer of super-hard enamel covering the entire visible portion of the tooth (known as the crown). Sensitivity occurs when [...]

Sensitivity Toothpaste2023-04-10T08:37:21-07:00
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